You can find a summary of the project here.
The S4S-project consisted of several Work Packages (WP):
- WP 1 - Project Management
- WP 2 - Evaluating tools in collaborative green venturing
- WP3 - Developing innovative approaches & tools
- WP 4 - Testing innovative approaches and tools
- WP 5 - Transnational exchange and learning
- WP 6 - Transfer and dissemination
- WP7 - Quality Assurance
We formulated the following deliverables:
WP 2 - Evaluating tools in collaborative green venturing
- Conceptual framework for the evaluation of collaborative green venturing
- Generating insights on the effectiveness and impacts of existing approaches and tools
- Identification of unique elements, success factors and barriers of student-business collaboration
- Identification of strengths and weaknesses, as well as needs to improve and expand existing programmes
- Insights on the transferability and scalability of existing approaches to other universities and regions
- A manual for evaluating collaborative student-business venturing activities and case study report
You can find the PRESENTATION about EVALUATION of leading approaches on green venturing here (WP2).
You can the FINAL REPORT about EVALUATION of leading approaches in green venturing (WP2) here.
WP 3 - Developing innovative approaches and tools in collaborative green venturing
- Providing an overview and analysis of existing approaches and tools in collaborative green venturing
- Developing innovative approaches and tools for collaborative green venturing adapted to the specific needs of involved target groups (students, teaching staff, business partners)
- Increasing the multidisciplinary design of collaborative green venturing exercises
- Implementing the new approaches as an integral part of a larger activity portfolio of university-business interaction for sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Making sure that we generate added value for regional partners (HEIs, business partners) as well on an European scale is added.
WP 4 - Testing innovative approaches and tools in collaborative green venturing
- Testing innovative approaches and tools which were developed in WP 3
- Evaluating the feasibility, user-friendliness and effectiveness of the developed innovative program elements and tools
- Assessing the scalability and transferability of the tested programmes to other HEIs and regions
- Using learning mobility activities to provide transnational learning and exchange regarding feasibility, user friendliness, effectiveness, scalability and transferability of tested programmes
- Providing guidance to implement collaborative green venturing approaches and tools in form of a publication and website
You can find the combined report of WP 3 and WP4 here.
WP 5 - Transnational exchange and learning
- Stimulating the transnational flow and exchange of knowledge related to collaborative green venturing between student teams and companies
- Improve green venturing skills of target groups (students, teaching staff, companies)
- Identification and learning of new sustainable business venturing practices
- Identification and learning of effective teaching and coaching approaches for student-business collaboration
- Establishment of an international Internet platform that supports collaborative green venturing between student teams, start-ups and companies and are available beyond project duration
- Scientific insights on antecedents, context-specific requirements and impacts of collaborative green venturing.
WP 6 - Transfer and dissemination
- Toolkit for collaborative green venturing between student teams and business
- Blogs from scientists and participating students
- Short ‘elevator pitch’ movies which show the highlights of the project
- A video instruction on “Cooperating & negotiating in virtual teams” including practical exercises
(Inter)national dissemination strategies
- We have presented project results in special sessions and hot topic workshops at international conferences
- Publications in peer-reviewed journals about the successes and pitfalls of collaborative green venturing and appropriate teaching and learning methods
- A manual for collaborative green venturing with, tips and tricks for university teachers and innovation managers
- we disseminated information to the (inter)national full and associated partners.
Lasting exploitation
- On a transnational level the three involved HEIs will cooperate beyond project duration. In order to maximize the impact of the project, the results remain available to the target groups of the S4S project, the wider public through multiple communication channels, media and face-to-face presentations in conferences.
- The international platform “Sustainable Venturing Challenges” is operated and financed by the Borderstep institute on a continuous basis.
- The involved HEIs and their respective regional business partners have a clear strategic interest of maintaining the developed collaboration approaches and knowledge exchange infrastructures after the project.
- One closing overall conference (“Lessons learned and action plans”) for all partners involved has been conducted.
Sustainable Venturing Challenges Platform
We developed a Sustainable Venturing Challenges platform to activate academic staff,companies and students to tap into the potential of challenge-based learning and co-create sustainable business solutions – across sectors, disciplines, cultures and geographic boundaries.
The platform pinpoints open opportunities for collaboration in sustainable venturing. It also presents relevant information to get started with joining or creating a sustainable venturing challenge. Specifically, university educators, companies and students will find:
- an emerging database of challenge platforms, matchmakers and alliances that makes it easy to quickly find and connect to either challenge providers or challenge solvers,
- challenge profiles with information about innovative challenge-based student-business programmes and activities in sustainable venturing,
- interviews with academic staff, business leaders and university students who share their real-life experiences of co-creating sustainable solutions for real-world problems,
- a range of resources, including information on benefits of participating in and developing challenges, how to-guides and tools.
The S4S-consortium during the final "lessons learned" conference, 13-15 October 2021 at Twente University.
You can find the report of the final conference here.